Blue Santa Toy Drive and Abiding Love Food Drive

Blue Santa Toy Drive and Abiding Love Food Drive

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Westcreek Neighborhood Association Update, see the date changes.

Blue Santa and Abiding Love Food Drive

Westcreek Neighborhood Association will participate in the Blue Santa toy drive and the Abiding Love food drive starting November 27Toys can be dropped off until December 13. and we will accept food donations until December 14.  Please help if you can.

We will collect new unwrapped toys for children: infants to 14. The need is especially great for ages 11 to 14. 

Please do not donate scooters, bicycles, skateboards, or any type of weapons, such as BB guns/rifles, knives or squirt guns.

Foods needed: cereal, canned soups, beans (no black beans), fruit, vegetables, pasta, peanut butter, bars of soap and toothpaste.

Toys and food can be dropped off at the following addresses in Westcreek. A donation box will be on porches of the following addresses:

5414 Wolf Run

6214 Sun Vista

5219 Summerset Trail

6304 Sanderson