It's My Park Day! March 2, 9am-12pm Westcreek Pocket Park

It's My Park Day! March 2, 9am-12pm Westcreek Pocket Park

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We have a lot of mulch to spread, so bring your wheelbarrows and tools and help us spread mulch in our park.


We're cleaning out old man Winter and readying Westcreek Pocket Park for Spring!



Join your fellow park lovers as we give back at Westcreek Pocket Park! We'll spend the day clearing branches off the trails, picking up trash and spreading mulch! Volunteers get the satisfaction of giving back and of course, an AWESOME It's My Park Day t-shirt designed by local artists! We will provide tools and gloves but PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN WATER BOTTLE and wear work appropriate clothing. We'll meet at the dead end of Westcreek Drive and get started right at 9:00. Thank you so much for joining us on It's My Park Day! We will continue our cleanup on March 23 if we are not able to finish on March 2.