Water Line Repair

Water Line Repair

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Water Line Repair in Southwest Austin Update

Dear Customers,

This is a reminder that your address is within the affected area for upcoming work on a waterline on Friday, June 7. While it is anticipated that most customers will not experience any disruptions, Austin Water is requesting that all customers in Southwest Austin conserve water during the repair process and follow these tips:

· Turn off irrigation systems;

· Refrain from outdoor watering, power washing, or washing cars;

· Postpone non-essential indoor water uses such as doing laundry and running dishwashers

In addition to storing water for your essential use before the repair begins Friday morning, Austin Water will also offer free cases of bottled water to affected customers at this location on Friday, June 7:

Bowie High School

4103 W. Slaughter Lane

7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.

Austin Water appreciates your understanding and support. We are working to make this repair and put the line back in service as quickly as possible. All Austin Water customers can refer to an interactive map at this link to determine whether their address is in the affected area.

For questions about your service, contact Austin Water’s 24/7 Customer Service Contact Center at 512-972-1000, Select option 1.