Westcreek Annual Membership Meeting

Westcreek Annual Membership Meeting

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Save the Date!

Westcreek Annual Membership Meeting


We will have a room for kids to watch a movie and a large table for

        coloring and bracelet making.

There will also be a raffle.

In addition to the donation food list below, the food pantry is asking for canned pinto beans and baby wipes.


We are still taking nominations for board openings.


Vice President (accepted President nomination)


Member At Large #1

Member At Large #2 (accepted renomination)



We look forward to seeing you on January 25, 2025 for lunch. We will be serving pizza and drinks at our Westcreek Annual Meeting.

Please bring a non-perishable food and extra grocery bags to donate to Abiding Love Food Pantry. Foods needed: cereal, canned soup, beans (not black), fruit, vegetables, pasta, peanut butter and chicken or tuna. Personal items: bars of soap, toothpaste and deodorant.

Who: Westcreek Neighborhood Association

What: Westcreek Annual Membership Meeting

When: Saturday, January 25, 2025 11am - 1pm

Where: Abiding Love Church Activity Center 7210 Brush Country Road